
Cadet Pilot, Bedroom Musician, Tech Geek, Behavioural Psychology

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If you can taxi in Moorabbin Airport, you can taxi anywhere else

When we first arrived here before we started flying, they told us Moorabbin Airport has 5 runways and a very complicated layout.

One lady told us,

“If you can taxi in Moorabbin Airport, you can taxi in any other airport in the world!”

Hyperbole? Perhaps. But it is indeed true that despite all the advances in technology in yesteryears, one of the things which might seem primitive in comparison is the way we taxi on the ground and avoid collision with other aircrafts.

Basically, we use a map of the runways and taxiways at the aerodrome, and wait for clearance to be given by the Ground Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) to taxi back to the apron, or cross active runways.

This seems easy enough, but in practice, it can be annoying especially when you’re unfamiliar with the airport. You’ll struggle to figure out what taxiway you’re on, and then when given clearance by ATC, sometimes you...

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Why do you even want to fly?

Many of my friends and family members have always known that I’ve always wanted to fly. A few though, have mentioned something along the lines of, “After all that you’ve explained to me, I still don’t know why you want to fly.”

So what is it about flying that makes me want to do it? Why is it so enthralling to me?

I’ll let you in on something.

When I first had my first few flying lessons, I actually doubted myself and asked myself the same questions. Looking back on them now (which isn’t even so far away back since I’m not even that far into my flying phase as of now), I realise the first few flights were bad.

Really bad.

I don’t mean bad as in performance wise, or that I didn’t perform to the high standards that I had expected of myself. This bad here is akin the horrible feeling that your stomach feels when your boss just told you that your services to the company are easily...

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About Me

I’m a cadet pilot, currently training and flying down under in Melbourne with CAE Oxford Aviation Academy. Here, I write about my journey training and flying as a cadet pilot. There will also be other posts about things that interest me like music, technology, design, human interactions, life hacks, and of course.. flying.

The journey began back in April 2014 in Singapore where the ground school phase started. I spent the next 7 - 8 months studying 14 ATPL papers. (That’s Air Transport Pilots’ Licence by the way, for those not in the know). No one clearly signed up to be a pilot to be studying and sitting for examinations, so it was a relief to have cleared that phase successfully.

Next up is the flying phase, of which I’m in right now. Why Melbourne? Because Singapore is just tiny, and our airspace, too small and restricted to learn to fly in.

We’re scheduled to be here for around...

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